STFT is short for Smala Training For A Freshman Trainer, if I'm not mistaken. It's, of course. Well, this training taught us about how to be a great senior, since we're going to be seniors in the next few months. Oh, I'm talking about the 10th grader students as the participant, anyway. Whispers, it's Smalane16!
I'm not going to talk about how to be a great senior or how does a great senior look like or how should a senior act so that s/he looks great (well, a great senior doesn't act because s/he's not a fake great senior) or etc, etc.
Otherwise, since I also participated in this training, I'm gonna tell you how was the training going. It was fun! At least, enough.
This training was held for two days a night, April 5th - 6th, by an EO or a company or idk-how-to-name-them but clearly they call themselves as Pyramida, the subordinates of Cartenz HRD (google their name if you want to know more).
The crew who trained us |
Oh, sure we had a camp. Unfortunately, but not that unfortunate, we had a camp in our own lovely school. If you're asking why, blame the education department (re: diknas). They didn't allow us to hold this event out-of-town.
No need to talk elaborately, we had 3 materials in total to be studied, some games to be played, and of course tons of lessons to be drawn.
During those awesomely great materials-giving-time, I got soooo many lessons, like srsly. Even though couple times boredom and sleepiness hit me in the face. So I got these weird doodles to keep my soul staying there.
blablabla, ignore this |
Oho, despite I made those weird doodles and graffiti, I didn't just focus on them, don't get me wrong. I also listened and payed attention fully at the trainer, Mr. Doddy (hey! he's an alumni, anw).
here's the evidence, haha:p |
We had 5 or 6 hours for 2 materials in the first day before we got a dinner. And I utilized this time to get back together with my classmates (because they did split us and made a new group before, didn't I already tell you? I didn't? Ha, I forgot. Sorry).
Didn't want to waste time like this, we took some selfies to perpetuate this sort of moment. (or maybe because we just wanted to channel our narcissistic feels). It's because of Fitra! (she's our narcissistic queen). She turned us on by holding his phone right in front of us and did some disgustingly cute poses wanting to take photos of her beautiful face. *vomits*
If you're asking why there're only 8 girls instead of 21, it's because this is not a fardhu 'ain event. It's a fardhu kifayah. *HAHAH what even, bleh*
Actually, after the dinner, we had a campfire but I didn't take photos of it, so... That's a loss. Cause it was so fun! Instead, after the campfire, we took our generation pics (re: foto angkatan). The idea was good. Really good. But we didn't get the result just as what we want.
This is not what it should be |
This is what it should be |
I think I need to stop writing now. I don't know what to write anymore. It's actually lots. And I don't know how to pour all of that lots moments in words's just too lots! Lastly,